Of indolent ulcers (Kirtikar and Basu,) and diarrhea (Amresh et al.,). The plant is employed within the remedy of urinary tract infections since it is thought of as antiseptic (Dandiya and Chopra,). Juice of C. pareira is given in migraine plus the plant features a extended history of use for inflammation of muscles, snakebite, rheumatism, diarrhoea, dysentery and menstrual challenges. C. pariera is extensively employed in herbal medicine these days as a diuretic, tonic at the same time as to minimize fever and to relieve discomfort. It truly is often employed for menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhoea, excessive bleeding and uterine hemorrhages, fibroid tumors, pre and postJournal of Clinical and Diagnostic Study. 2014 Might, Vol-8(five): HC01-HCMETHODOLOGYCollection of your PlantThe roots of C.pareira have been obtained from the forest of Tirupati, AP and have been identified and authenticated by Dr. Pramod Kumar, Pharmacognocist V.L. College of Pharmacy, Raichur, Karnataka, India.Preparation of ExtractRoots were thoroughly washed beneath fresh tap water and shade dried and powdered by utilizing a mechanical grinder. The preparationSuresh Babu Sayana et al., Evaluation of Diuretic Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Roots of Cissampelos Pareira in Albino Ratswww.jcdr.netof alcoholic extract of roots of C.pareira was carried out by utilizing soxhletation inside the Division of Pharmacology, V.L.College of Pharmacy, Raichur. About 200 g of root powder was taken in to the soxhlet apparatus and extracted making use of ethanol (95 ). The extraction process was carried out for 18 – 20 h till the appearance of colourless solvent inside the side tube. The extract collected was dried by evaporating the solvents on a water bath maintained at 500C and percentage yield of alcoholic extract was recorded with respect towards the total quantity of powder made use of for the extraction. Phytochemical evaluation for the extract was performed employing standard procedures.kept at 21 .5 . The total volume of urine collected for 5 hr was measured in the end. Throughout this period no food and water was produced offered to animals. Many parameters like total urine volume and concentration of sodium, potassium and chloride in the urine have been measured and estimated respectively.Estimation of Urinary ElectrolytesUrine electrolytes (sodium, potassium and chloride) have been determined by Ion Selective Electrode system as described by the user instruction manual on the biochemical kits (Roche, Roche Diagnostics Pvt.Clozapine Ltd, Gurgaon, Haryana.Estradiol )Experimental AnimalsAlbino rats weighing among 140-200 g of either sex had been made use of inside the study and had been obtained in the Central Animal Residence, V.PMID:26760947 L.College of Pharmacy, Raichur, Karnataka, India. The experimental protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee and these animals had been utilized to evaluate the diuretic activity of alcoholic extract of roots of Cissampelos pareira. The animals were maintained under regular husbandry situations for an acclimatization period of 15 days prior to performing the experiments. All rats were housed in metallic cages six in every and temperature maintained at 22+2 .STATISTICAL ANALYSISExperimental final results have been expressed as mean + SEM (n=6). Statistical analysis was performed with one-way-ANOVA followed by Dunnetts t-test.RESULTSThe alcoholic extract of roots of Cissampelos pareira was subjected to qualitative phytochemical tests to determine the phytoconstituents and it revealed the presence of carbohydrates, alkaloids, sterols, phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids and resins. In acute toxicity study.